• Rehearsals Use the resources on the website to help you prepare for rehearsals. Look after your general well-being to remain able to attend as many rehearsals as possible. Wherever possible, inform the conductor in advance if you are unable to [READ MORE]

  • Rehearsals Use the resources on the website to help you prepare for rehearsals. Look after your voice and general well-being to remain able to attend as many rehearsals as possible. If you know you will miss a rehearsal, [READ MORE]

  • THE PEOPLE’S ORCHESTRA COOKIE POLICY Introduction This cookie notice is for visitors to our websites, apps and other digital platforms. It sets out how we use cookies. In this notice ‘we’ and ‘our’ means The People’s Orchestra. What are [READ MORE]

  • THE PEOPLE’S ORCHESTRA GDPR STATEMENT The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are the new data protection regulations which replace the Data Protection Act 1998. The new regulations came into force from the 25th May 2018 onwards. Please read and [READ MORE]

  • Read Our Safeguarding Policy Here

  • KEEPING YOU SAFE The People’s Orchestra are incredibly excited to have returned to in-person rehearsals and to be making music together again. Our top priority, as always, is doing this in a way that helps keep everyone involved as [READ MORE]