TPO Staff MemberMatthew Wood

Matthew Wood


Matt is one of our Board Members and our longstanding and lovable Videographer, filming all our concerts across all the community ensembles within The People's Orchestra Charity. He also assists with our video marketing across our YouTube channel and social media platforms, as well as recording members chatting about their experience (and making them laugh!) in our Concert Highlights videos.

Matt has been filming TPO concerts when it was just the orchestra, assisting with camera operation in 2012. Since then, he's got to know the orchestra inside and out. He has worked in Videography for 12 years and has worked with the BBC, Team GB and the Commonwealth Games. He also currently runs the Shadow Foam YouTube channel which he has helped to attract over 120,000 subscribers. Despite this, the comradery amongst the players, staff, volunteers and audience keeps him coming back to TPO.

When he's not collaring people for 'vox pops', Matt is an avid filmgoer and aims to watch any film regardless of quality. His favourite film is Leon: The Professional, along with his favourite TV shows, Breaking Bad and The Simpsons, which he quotes daily. His favourite concert piece is The People's Orchestra playing The Incredibles theme - it always gets him buzzing!