TPSC Poland Tour: What Our Members Thought?

Glowing review of The People’s Show Choir’s first international tour as members say “it was incredible”
The People’s Show Choir embarked on its first tour abroad to Poland this year and members have given rave reviews.
Just over 100 members from various choirs travelled to Krakow to sing in its historic Old Town on the five-day trip between 27th to 31st May. It was organised by People’s Show Choir conductor, Chris Weber.
Here are what some of the singers who ventured on the tour had to say:
Dr Nick Makwana, known as the ‘dancing doctor’ at Halesowen Show Choir said: “It sounded so uplifting with the acoustics. They bounced off the walls [in Krakow] and you could hear your heart flying away as you sang.
“What’s great about the tour is that I’ve talked to people I normally wouldn’t talk to and learned about people’s lives.
“We’ve laughed a lot,” he added, calling the tour “a fantastic week.”
“It’s been so overwhelmingly positive, I can’t think of one negative to say. Next time it happens, definitely come along.”
Julie Lawrence from South Birmingham Choir described the tour as “really great fun, adding that she also got time to sightsee to Auschwitz, a torture museum and do lots of walks. “I’ve seen an amazing part of the world, I’ve never seen before,” said Julie.
“I’ve had such an amazing time. When we do concerts at home we don’t get a lot of time to speak to people from other choirs as we’re always busy. Here, I’ve gone out with people I don’t know.”
“We’ve all laughed and spent evenings together joking and having fun,” she added. “We are the most fun and happiest choir going. We might all be as mad as hatters but we have a good time. With this lot I’d go anywhere.
“I like that among the staff and members of The People’s Show Choir, there’s no egos, everyone is equal and we all have a great time.”
Phillip Field, who is a member of three Show Choirs in Halesowen, Wolverhampton and West Bromwich said the trip had been “incredible”.
“I really got to know people from other choirs that I don’t get the chance to chat to at other concerts,” said Phillip.
“It was brilliant getting to know them over coffee, cake and evening meals. There was great camaraderie and great fun – and that makes you feel good.”
Joanne from Shrewsbury Show Choir said: “It was lovely to sing in the open air and sunshine. We drew in an amazing crowd. It was fabulous.”
“We came from all parts of the UK,” she added. “Krakow is beautiful and it was lovely to escape the UK and get a bit of sunshine at last.
“We felt really high after the first concert and the crowd draws you on.”
Avril, a member of South Birmingham Choir, said: “I found the tour absolutely fantastic.
“I haven’t been with the choir for very long and I’d done a few shows with them, then this opportunity came along and I thought ‘why not?’ Go and meet some other people you don’t know and mix and mingle. It’s been a really good tour for me.
“I found the audience in Krakow a bit more receptive to us and very welcoming.
“We’ve all got different reasons why we’ve joined the choir. Some are because they’ve lost close family and friends and rather than sit indoors and do nothing, this has got them out.
“The atmosphere on tour has been exceptional.”
Maggie from Cheltenham Show Choir went on the Poland tour with eight other members from the Gloucestershire group. She said: “It was my first time in Poland and I didn’t know what to expect. The organisation has been great, tours have been inclusive and you didn’t have to go if you didn’t want to. All the food was organised for us and everyone has been friendly to each other.
“The tour was wonderful.”
TPO staff member, Anthony Beckett, joined the tour in Poland and was full of praise: “We performed in one of the main squares in the Jewish Quarter and had a phenomenal crowd of people who were all up dancing and joining in with is. It was an absolutely superb performance.
“The tour has been exceptional and Chris Weber had been absolutely superb in organising the whole of the trip. He’s passionate and wants everyone to enjoy themselves.”
Anthony added: “It’s a truly community choir in the sense that it’s not just the performers but lots of their family and friends joining us for concerts on the tour.
“The bringing together of so many different choirs from around the Midlands has brought together a whole lot of people who wouldn’t have got to know each other in the same way. We’ve well and truly made new friends on this trip.”
Kay from Halesowen Show Choir said: “It’s been lovely, really nice and beautiful scenery. Lots of walking but we’ve equally sat and chatted, had a drink so been really, really nice.
“It was brilliant. I’d come again tomorrow.”