Free concerts in Weston-super-Mare to attract singers to new show choir

Two free concerts were performed in Weston-super-Mare by the People’s Show Choir during the Summer holidays.

The entertainment at Coalbrookdale Fountain in Pier Square came as the group prepared to launch a new choir in the Somerset town this Autumn.

Locals and holidaymakers had the opportunity to hear performances on Saturday August 17, between 1.30pm and 2pm and from 3.30pm to 4pm.

The seaside stop-off was part of the national choir organisation’s Summer series of events across the UK.

It gave people a taster of what being in the People’s Show Choir is all about. Members were also on hand to chat with anyone interested in singing to explain what difference the Show Choir has made to them and how to sign up.

Being part of the People’s Show Choir allows locals to enjoy singing but also socialise, make new friends, take part in tours and occasional joint performances with The People’s Orchestra. Benefits of singing in a choir include boosting mental health and reducing loneliness and isolation.

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