The People’s Show Choir embarked on its first tour abroad to Poland in 2024 and members have given rave reviews. Just over 100 members from various choirs traveled to Krakow to sing in its historic Old Town on the five-day [READ MORE]
Amidst the beauty of Krakow’s Old Town, around 100 People’s Show Choir voices rang out and the smiles were unmissable. Singers from various Show Choirs came together for their first ever international tour and what they found was “incredible”. [READ MORE]
Underscore community orchestra went wild with their latest concert at an extraordinary venue. Musicians ventured underground to perform in The Cellarz vaults below West Midland Safari Park, home to many exotic animals in Bewdley. [READ MORE]
My daughter, 15, has been unable to attend school for the last 2.5 years. She is autistic and found school overwhelming, despite being very bright. She now learns from home with the support of her school but has struggled to [READ MORE]