Shining the Spotlight – Rashid’s Story
Rashid contacted us as she was struggling with the cost-of-living crises and couldn’t afford to pay her utility bills. Rashid is single, receiving State Pension of £92.00 and Pension Credit of £100.00 a week. She is caring for her daughter who has a health condition and in receipt of PIP. Rashid’s daughter is unable to leave her home due to her health condition and is unable to speak on the phone. Rashid rarely leaves the house as she cares for her daughter. She contacted other organisations for support, but they were unable to support her due to the language barrier and because she was unable to leave her home.
We arranged a home visit to complete a benefit entitlement check. We identified Rashid would be entitled to claim Carers Allowance for looking after her daughter. She was also not receiving the correct entitlement to Pension Credit as she was not receiving the carers element. We completed the Carers Allowance forms on her behalf and contacted Pension Credit to inform them of the changes to her caring responsibilities. An application for the Assure Assist Tariff was also completed to help reduce her water bill by 60% in the first year and 40% in the second year.
Rashid was awarded Carers Allowance of £77.00 a week and received a back payment of £800. Her Pension Credit was increased to include the carer element and her payment increased by £42.75 a week and is awaiting a back payment of £2000.
The total back payment of £2800 and weekly increase in benefits of £119.75 came as a surprise to Rashid as she was initially reluctant to make any changes to her benefits, as she was afraid her benefits would reduce if she reported any changes.